Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 SP3

Navision 4.0 SP3 will be released on these date:

Group 1
countries was released 2rd October 2006 - Upgrade toolkit will follow early November
Group 2
countries (GR2) is expected to release th November 2006 - Upgrade toolkit will follow 20th November
Group 3 countries (GR3) is expected to release th December 2006 - Upgrade toolkit will follow 18th December

Group 1 countries list:-
AU - Australia, CA - Canada, DE - Germany, DK - Denmark, ES - Spain, FR - France, IE - Ireland, IT - Italy, MX - Mexico, NL - Netherlands, NZ - New Zealand, RU - Rusia, UK - United Kingdom, US - United States, W1

Group 2 countries list:-
AT - Austria, BE - Belgium, CH - Switzerland, CZ - Czech Republic, EE - Estonia, FI - Finland, LT - Lithuania, LV - Latvia, NO - Norway, PH - Philippines, PL - Poland, PT - Portugal, SE - Sweden

Group 3 countries list:-
BG - Bulgaria, CS - Serbian & Montenegro, GR - Greece, HR - Croatia, HU - Hungary, ID - Indonesia, IN - India, IS - Iceland, MY - Malaysia, RO - Romania, SG - Singapore, SL - Slovenia, SK - Slovakia, TH - Thailand, TR - Turkey

Last Updated: 8 Nov 2006

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